System Data
Where do Citi Bikers ride? When do they ride? How far do they go? Which stations are most popular? What days of the week are most rides taken on? We've heard all of these questions and more from you, and we're happy to provide the data to help you discover the answers to these questions and more. We invite developers, engineers, statisticians, artists, academics and other interested members of the public to use the data we provide for analysis, development, visualization and whatever else moves you.
This data is provided according to the NYCBS Data Use Policy.
Citi Bike Trip Histories
We publish downloadable files of Citi Bike trip data. The data includes:
- Ride ID
- Rideable type
- Started at
- Ended at
- Start station name
- Start station ID
- End station name
- End station ID
- Start latitude
- Start longitude
- End latitude
- End Longitude
- Member or casual ride
Data format previously:
- Trip Duration (seconds)
- Start Time and Date
- Stop Time and Date
- Start Station Name
- End Station Name
- Station ID
- Station Lat/Long
- Bike ID
- User Type (Customer = 24-hour pass or 3-day pass user; Subscriber = Annual Member)
- Gender (Zero=unknown; 1=male; 2=female)
- Year of Birth
This data has been processed to remove trips that are taken by staff as they service and inspect the system, trips that are taken to/from any of our “test” stations (which we were using more in June and July 2013), and any trips that were below 60 seconds in length (potentially false starts or users trying to re-dock a bike to ensure it's secure). For months with more than 1 million trips, trips data is split into multiple CSVs within the same compressed file. To determine a month’s total rides, sum the records across CSVs.
Real-Time Data
Citi Bike publishes real-time system data in General Bikeshare Feed Specification format. Get the GBFS feed here.
Monthly Operating Reports
View the monthly operating reports that we provide to the NYC Department of Transportation.
Additional Resources
- The City of New York's bicycling data
- A group of software developers and data explorers working with data feeds from NYC's Bike Share system and other bike data maintain this Google Group (note: Citi Bike is not responsible for this group – it is run and maintained by a group of interested private citizens)